


Botanical Name: Aframomum meleguata

Plant Part: seed

Container: 150CC White, High Density Polyethylene [HDPE] Plastic, Wide-Mouth Round bottle (38-400 neck). Recyclable.

Weight: 2 ounces


Aframomum (also known as Grains of Paradise, Guinea Grains,Guinea Pepper, and Alligator Pepper) from West Africa, loaded with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties. The seeds contain gingerols and other related compounds that are useful against cardiovascular disease, adverse pancreas conditions (e.g. diabetes), and inflammation.

Additionally, Aframomum is useful for stomach and intestinal disorders, countering diarrhea, expelling worms, expediting wound healing, and helps with malaria.

Afromamum has mild aphrodisiac properties. In men, it serves as a pro-ejaculant, an erectogen (making it helpful for erectile dysfunction), and helps increase sperm count (volume). In women, Afromomum helps boost libido and make women more sensitive to intimate touch, especially in the lower regions of the body. Additionally, Aframomum helps regulate vaginal lubrication, and may increase sexual desire (within 48-72 hours).

Aframomum can be helpful for general sexual disorders in both men and women.

Vegan. Kosher. Halal. Gluten-Free.

Free of dairy, soy, wheat, corn, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, and peanuts.

100 capsules (Vegan/HPMC, Clear, ‘o’ Size) per bottle.

Directions: Take 2-3 capsules with water daily. Best to take 45 minutes after a meal.

Pregnancy: Safe to consume.

Breastfeeding: Safe to consume.

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with your physician or health care provider prior to the purchase or use of nutritional or dietary supplements, especially if you have preexisting medical conditions.

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